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CloudFilesProvider Fields

The CloudFilesProvider type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAccountBytesUsed
The X-Account-Bytes-Used header, which specifies the total number of bytes that are stored in Object Storage for the account.
Public fieldStatic memberAccountContainerCount
The X-Account-Container-Count header, which specifies the number of containers associated with an account.
Public fieldStatic memberAccountMetaDataPrefix
The X-Account-Meta- header prefix, which specifies the HTTP header prefix for metadata keys associated with an account.
Public fieldStatic memberAccountObjectCount
The X-Account-Object-Count header, which specifies the number of objects in an account.
Public fieldStatic memberAuthToken
The X-Auth-Token header, which specifies the token to use for authenticated requests.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnEnabled
The X-Cdn-Enabled header, which specifies whether or not a container is CDN-enabled.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnIosUri
The X-Cdn-Ios-Uri header, which specifies the publicly-available URL for iOS streaming access to a CDN-enabled container (using Apple HTTP Live Streaming).
Public fieldStatic memberCdnLogRetention
The X-Log-Retention header, which specifies whether or not log retention is enabled for a CDN-enabled container.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnManagementUrl
The X-Cdn-Management-Url header.
Caution note Caution
The value of this header is not defined. Do not use.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnPurgeEmail
The X-Purge-Email header, which specifies the comma-separated list of email addresses to notify when a CDN purge request completes.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnSslUri
The X-Cdn-Ssl-Uri header, which specifies the publicly-available URL for SSL access to a CDN-enabled container.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnStreamingUri
The X-Cdn-Streaming-Uri header, which specifies the publicly-available URL for streaming access to a CDN-enabled container (using Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming).
Public fieldStatic memberCdnTTL
The X-Ttl header, which specifies the Time To Live (TTL) in seconds for a CDN-enabled container.
Public fieldStatic memberCdnUri
The X-Cdn-Uri header, which specifies the publicly-available URL for a CDN-enabled container.
Public fieldStatic memberContainerBytesUsed
The X-Container-Bytes-Used header, which specifies the total size of all objects stored in a container.
Public fieldStatic memberContainerMetaDataPrefix
The X-Container-Meta- header prefix, which specifies the HTTP header prefix for metadata keys associated with a container.
Public fieldStatic memberContainerObjectCount
The X-Container-Object-Count header, which specifies the total number of objects stored in a container.
Public fieldStatic memberContainerRemoveMetaDataPrefix Obsolete.
The X-Remove-Container-Meta- header prefix, which specifies the HTTP header prefix for removing metadata keys from a container.
Public fieldStatic memberDestination
The Destination header, which specifies the destination container and object name for a Copy Object operation.
Public fieldStatic memberDetectContentType
The X-Detect-Content-Type header, which specifies that the Object Storage service should automatically assign the content type for the object.
Public fieldStatic memberEtag
The ETag header, which specifies the MD5 checksum of the data in an object stored in Object Storage.
Public fieldStatic memberIfNoneMatch
The If-None-Match header, which allows calls to create or update objects to query whether the server already has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxLargeFileBatchThreshold
The maximum value of LargeFileBatchThreshold supported by this provider. This value is set to the minimum value for which creation of a single object larger than the value may result in the server closing the TCP/IP connection and purging the object's data.
Public fieldStatic memberNewest
The X-Newest header, which indicates that Cloud Files should locate the most recent version of an object or container listing rather than return the first response provided by an underlying storage node.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectDeleteAfter
The X-Delete-After header, which specifies the relative time (in seconds from "now") after which an object should expire, not be served, and be deleted completely from the storage system.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectDeleteAt
The X-Delete-At header, which specifies the absolute time (in Unix Epoch format) after which an object should expire, not be served, and be deleted completely from the storage system.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectManifest
The X-Object-Manifest header, which specifies the container and prefix for the segments of a dynamic large object.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectMetaDataPrefix
The X-Object-Meta- header prefix, which specifies the HTTP header prefix for metadata keys associated with an object.
Public fieldStatic memberProcessedHeadersHeaderKey
Public fieldStatic memberProcessedHeadersMetadataKey
Public fieldStatic memberStaticLargeObject
The X-Static-Large-Object header, which specifies whether an object is a manifest for a static large object.
Public fieldStatic memberStorageUrl
The X-Storage-Url header, which specifies the base URI for all object storage requests.
Public fieldStatic memberTempUrlKey
Public fieldStatic memberVersionsLocation
The X-Versions-Location header, which specifies the name of the container where previous versions of objects are stored for a container.
Public fieldStatic memberWebError
The Web-Error metadata key, which specifies the suffix for error pages displayed for a website.
Public fieldStatic memberWebIndex
The Web-Index metadata key, which specifies the index page for every pseudo-directory in a website.
Public fieldStatic memberWebListings
The Web-Listings metadata key, which specifies whether or not pseudo-directories should display a list of files instead of returning a 404 error when the pseudo-directory does not contain an index file.
Public fieldStatic memberWebListingsCSS
The Web-Listings-CSS metadata key, which specifies the stylesheet to use for file listings when WebListings is and a pseudo-directory does not contain an index file.
See Also