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LoadBalancerSslConfiguration Constructor (NullableBoolean, NullableBoolean, Int32, String, String, String)
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Initializes a new instance of the LoadBalancerSslConfiguration class using the specified configuration and certificates.

Namespace: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancers
Assembly: openstacknet (in openstacknet.dll) Version: 1.7.7+Branch.master.Sha.25d803f397c8693c2c13777ef6675f796f520f2c
public LoadBalancerSslConfiguration(
	Nullable<bool> enabled,
	Nullable<bool> secureTrafficOnly,
	int securePort,
	string privateKey,
	string certificate,
	string intermediateCertificate


Type: SystemNullableBoolean
to enable SSL termination on the load balancer; otherwise, . If this value is , the current configuration for the value is not changed by a call to UpdateSslConfigurationAsync(LoadBalancerId, LoadBalancerSslConfiguration, AsyncCompletionOption, CancellationToken, IProgressLoadBalancer).
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
to require encryption for all traffic through the load balancer; otherwise, . If this value is , the current configuration for the value is not changed by a call to UpdateSslConfigurationAsync(LoadBalancerId, LoadBalancerSslConfiguration, AsyncCompletionOption, CancellationToken, IProgressLoadBalancer).
Type: SystemInt32
The port on which the SSL termination load balancer will listen for secure traffic. If this value is , the current configuration for the value is not changed by a call to UpdateSslConfigurationAsync(LoadBalancerId, LoadBalancerSslConfiguration, AsyncCompletionOption, CancellationToken, IProgressLoadBalancer).
Type: SystemString
The private key for the SSL certificate.
Type: SystemString
The certificate used for SSL termination.
Type: SystemString
The user's intermediate certificate used for SSL termination.
ArgumentNullException If privateKey is and either certificate or intermediateCertificate is not .


If certificate is and privateKey is not .

ArgumentException If privateKey is empty.


If certificate is empty.


If intermediateCertificate is empty.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException If securePort is less than 0 or greater than 65535.
Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5

Supported in: 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3.6
See Also