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net.openstack.Core.Domain Namespace
The net.openstack.Core.Domain namespaces define the provider-independent object model for calling the OpenStack REST APIs.
Public classAuthenticationRequirement
This class models the authentication requirements resource hints of the home document described by Home Documents for HTTP APIs.
Public classAuthenticationType
Represents the way a user has authenticated.
Public classCloudIdentity
Represents a set of credentials used for accessing a cloud account. Individual providers may impose restrictions on the values allowed for individual properties.
Public classCloudIdentityWithProject
This class extends CloudIdentity with the addition of the ProjectId and ProjectName properties, which may be required for authentication with certain Identity Service providers.
Public classCloudNetwork
Represents the detailed information for a labeled network in Rackspace Cloud Networks.
Public classContainer
Represents the detailed information for a container stored in an Object Storage Provider.
Public classContainerCDN
Provides the CDN properties for a container in an Object Storage provider.
Public classContainerObject
Provides the details of an object stored in an Object Storage provider.
Public classDiskConfiguration
This enumeration is part of the disk configuration extension, which adds at attribute to images and servers to control how the disk is partitioned when servers are created, rebuilt, or resized.
Public classEndpoint
Represents an endpoint for a service provided in the ServiceCatalog.
Public classEndpointTemplate
This class models the JSON representation of an endpoint template resource in the OpenStack Identity Service V2.
Public classEndpointTemplateId
Represents the unique identifier of an EndpointTemplate.
Public classExtendedEndpoint
Represents an endpoint for a tenant that is returned outside of the ServiceCatalog.
Public classExtensibleJsonObject
This is the abstract base class for types modeling the JSON representation of a resource which may be extended by specific providers or updated in future releases of a core service.
Public classFlavor
Provides basic information about a flavor. A flavor is an available hardware configuration for a server.
Public classFlavorDetails
Contains detailed information about a flavor.
Public classFlavorId
Represents the unique identifier of a flavor.
Public classHomeDocument
This class models the root object of the home document described by Home Documents for HTTP APIs.
Public classIdentityToken
Represents the authentication token used for making authenticated calls to multiple APIs.
Public classImageId
Represents the unique identifier of an image.
Public classImageState
Represents the state of a compute image.
Public classImageType
Represents an image type.
Public classIPAddressList
Public classLink
Represents a link associated with a resource.
Public classMetadata
Represents metadata for servers and images in the Compute Service.
Public classNetworkId
Represents the unique identifier of a network.
Public classNewServer
Extends ServerBase with information for a newly-created server.
Public classNewUser
Represents the JSON result of an Add User operation.
Public classPersonality
Describes a file to inject into the file system while creating or rebuilding a server.
Public classPowerState
Represents the power state of a server.
Public classProjectId
Represents the unique identifier of a project, Tenant, or account.
Public classProviderStateBaseT
Provides a base class for domain objects which require access to the provider which created them.
Public classRebootType
Represents the type of a reboot operation.
Public classResourceHints
This class models the Resource Hints of the home document described by Home Documents for HTTP APIs.
Public classResourceObject
This class models the Resource Object of the home document described by Home Documents for HTTP APIs.
Public classRole
A personality that a user assumes when performing a specific set of operations. A role includes a set of right and privileges. A user assuming that role inherits those rights and privileges.
Public classServer
Extends SimpleServer with detailed information about a server.
Public classServerAddresses
Represents a map of network labels to collections of IP addresses.
Public classServerBase
Provides basic information about a server.
Public classServerId
Represents the unique identifier of a server.
Public classServerImage
Extends SimpleServerImage with detailed information about an image.
Public classServerState
Represents the state of a compute server.
Public classServerVolume
This models the JSON description of a volume attachment.
Public classServiceCatalog
Represents a single service provided to an authenticated user. Each service has one or more Endpoints providing access information for the service.
Public classSimpleServer
This models the basic JSON description of a server.
Public classSimpleServerImage
Provides basic information about an image.
Public classSnapshot
This models the basic JSON description of a snapshot.
Public classSnapshotState
Represents the state of a block storage snapshot.
Public classStatus
Represents the status of an operation with a status code and description of the status.
Public classTaskState
Represents the task status of a server.
Public classTenant
This models the basic JSON description of a tenant.
Public classUser
Represents a user account.
Public classUserAccess
Represents the response to a user authentication.
Public classUserCredential
Represents a set of credentials for a user.
Public classUserDetails
Contains additional information about an authenticated user.
Public classVirtualInterface
Represents the detailed configuration of a virtual network interface.
Public classVirtualInterfaceAddress
Represents the IP address of a virtual interface on a specific network.
Public classVirtualMachineState
Represents the virtual machine (VM) state of a server.
Public classVolume
Represents a volume in a block storage provider.
Public classVolumeState
Represents the state of a block storage volume.
Public classVolumeType
Represents the type of a volume in the Block Storage service.
Public enumerationObjectStore
Represents the result of various Object Storage operations.