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ResourceHints Properties
This API is preliminary and subject to change.

The ResourceHints type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptPatch
Gets the PATCH request formats accepted by the resource for this client; equivalent to the Accept-Patch HTTP response header.
Public propertyAcceptPost
Gets the POST request formats accepted by the resource for this client.
Public propertyAcceptPut
Gets the PUT request formats accepted by the resource for this client.
Public propertyAcceptRanges
Gets the range-specifiers available to the client for this resource; equivalent to the Accept-Ranges HTTP response header.
Public propertyAllow
Gets the HTTP methods that the current client will be able to use to interact with the resource; equivalent to the Allow HTTP response header.
Public propertyAuthenticationRequirements
Gets a collection of requirements for authentication using the HTTP Authentication Framework.
Public propertyDocs
Gets the location for human-readable documentation for the relation type of the resource.
Public propertyExtensionData
Gets a map of object properties which did not map to another field or property during JSON deserialization. The keys of the map represent the property names, and the values are JToken instances containing the parsed JSON values.
(Inherited from ExtensibleJsonObject.)
Public propertyFormats
Gets the representation types that the resource produces and consumes, using the GET and PUT methods respectively, subject to the Allow hint. The keys of this collections are media types, and the values are objects which have not yet been defined.
Public propertyPreconditions
Gets a collection of preconditions that the resource may require for state-changing requests (e.g., PUT, PATCH) to include a precondition, to avoid conflicts due to concurrent updates.
Public propertyPrefer
Gets the preferences supported by the resource. Note that, as per that specification, a preference can be ignored by the server.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status of the resource. Possible values for the status are "deprecated" and "gone".
See Also