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ComputeService Class
The OpenStack Compute Service.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OpenStack.Compute.v2_1
Assembly: openstacknet (in openstacknet.dll) Version: 1.7.7+Branch.master.Sha.25d803f397c8693c2c13777ef6675f796f520f2c
public class ComputeService

The ComputeService type exposes the following members.

Public methodComputeService
Initializes a new instance of the ComputeService class.
Public methodAssociateFloatingIPAddressAsync
Associates a floating IP address to the server.
Public methodAttachVolumeAsync
Attaches a volume to a server.
Public methodCancelResizeServerAsync
Cancels and reverts a pending resize action for a server.
Public methodConfirmResizeServerAsync
Confirms a pending resize action for a server.
Public methodCreateImageMetadataAsync
Creates or replaces metadata for an image.
Public methodCreateKeyPairAsync
Creates a new key pair.
Public methodCreateSecurityGroupAsync
Creates a security group.
Public methodCreateServerAsync
Creates a server.
Public methodCreateServerGroupAsync
Creates a server group.
Public methodCreateServerMetadataAsync
Creates or replaces a metadata item, by key, for a server.
Public methodCreateVolumeAsync
Creates a volume.
Public methodDeleteImageAsync
Deletes an image.
Public methodDeleteImageMetadataAsync
Deletes a metadata item, by key, for an image.
Public methodDeleteKeyPairAsync
Deletes a keypair.
Public methodDeleteSecurityGroupAsync
Deletes a security group.
Public methodDeleteServerAsync
Deletes a server.
Public methodDeleteServerGroupAsync
Deletes a server group.
Public methodDeleteServerMetadataAsync
Deletes a metadata item, by key, from a server.
Public methodDeleteVolumeAsync
Deletes a volume.
Public methodDeleteVolumeSnapshotAsync
Deletes a volume snapshot.
Public methodDetachVolumeAsync
Detaches a volume from a server.
Public methodDisassociateFloatingIPAsync
Disassociate a floating IP address from a server.
Public methodGetConsoleOutputAsync
Shows console output for a server instance.
Public methodGetFlavorAsync
Shows details for a flavor.
Public methodGetImageAsync
Shows details for an image.
Public methodGetImageMetadataAsync
Shows metadata for an image.
Public methodGetImageMetadataItemAsync
Shows details for a metadata item, by key, for an image.
Public methodGetKeyPairAsync
Shows details for a keypair that is associated with the account.
Public methodGetLimitsAsync
Shows rate and absolute limits for the account.
Public methodGetRdpConsoleAsync
Gets an RDP console for a server.
Public methodGetSecurityGroupAsync
Shows details for a security group.
Public methodGetSerialConsoleAync
Gets a serial console for a server.
Public methodGetServerActionAsync
Lists the actions which have been applied to a sever.
Public methodGetServerAddressAsync
Shows IP addresses details for a network label of a server instance.
Public methodGetServerAsync
Shows details for a server.
Public methodGetServerGroupAsync
Shows details for a server group.
Public methodGetServerMetadataAsync
Gets all metadata for a server.
Public methodGetServerMetadataItemAsync
Shows details for a metadata item, by key, for a server.
Public methodGetServerVolumeAsync
Shows details for a volume attachment.
Public methodGetSpiceConsoleAync
Gets a SPICE console for a server.
Public methodGetVncConsoleAync
Gets a VNC console for a server.
Public methodGetVolumeAsync
Shows details for a volume.
Public methodGetVolumeSnapshotAsync
Shows details for a volume snapshot.
Public methodImportKeyPairAsync
Imports a key pair.
Public methodListFlavorsAsync
Lists available flavors.
Public methodListFlavorSummariesAsync
Lists summary information for available flavors.
Public methodListImagesAsync
Lists available images.
Public methodListImageSummariesAsync
Lists summary information for available images.
Public methodListKeyPairsAsync
Lists keypairs that are associated with the account.
Public methodListSecurityGroupsAsync
Lists security groups.
Public methodListServerActionSummariesAsync
Lists the actions which have been applied to a sever.
Public methodListServerAddressesAsync
Lists IP addresses that are assigned to a server.
Public methodListServerGroupsAsync
Lists all server groups for the account.
Public methodListServersAsync
Lists all servers with details.
Public methodListServerSummariesAsync
Lists summary information for all servers.
Public methodListServerVolumesAsync
Lists the volume attachments for a server.
Public methodListVolumesAsync
Lists the volumes associated with the account.
Public methodListVolumeSnapshotsAsync
Lists volume snapshots.
Public methodRebootServerAsync
Reboots a server.
Public methodRescueServerAsync
Puts a server in rescue mode and changes its status to RESCUE.
Public methodResizeServerAsync
Resizes a server.

Depending on the cloud configuration, ConfirmResizeServerAsync(String, CancellationToken) may need to be called to complete the resize operation.

Public methodResumeServerAsync
Resumes a suspended server and changes its status to ACTIVE.
Public methodSnapshotServerAsync
Creates a snapshot image from a server.
Public methodSnapshotVolumeAsync
Snapshots a volume.
Public methodStartServerAsync
Starts a stopped server and changes its status to ACTIVE.
Public methodStopServerAsync
Stops a running server and changes its status to SHUTOFF.
Public methodSuspendServerAsync
Suspends a server and changes its status to SUSPENDED.
Public methodUnrescueServerAsync
Unrescues a server. Changes status to ACTIVE.
Public methodUpdateImageMetadataAsync
Creates or replaces one or more metadata items for an image.

Omitted keys are not removed unless overwrite is true.

Public methodUpdateSecurityGroupAsync
Updates a security group.
Public methodUpdateServerAsync
Updates the editable attributes of a server.
Public methodUpdateServerMetadataAsync
Creates or replaces one or more metadata items for a server.

Omitted keys are not removed unless overwrite is true.

Public methodWaitForImageStatusAsync
Waits for an image to reach the specified state.
Public methodWaitForServerStatusAsync(Identifier, ServerStatus, NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, IProgressBoolean, CancellationToken)
Waits for the server to reach the specified status.
Public methodWaitForServerStatusAsync(Identifier, IEnumerableServerStatus, NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, IProgressBoolean, CancellationToken)
Waits for the server to reach the specified status.
Public methodWaitUntilImageIsDeletedAsync
Waits for the image to be deleted.
Public methodWaitUntilServerIsDeletedAsync
Waits for the server to be deleted.

Treats a 404 NotFound exception as confirmation that it is deleted.

Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAssociateFloatingIPAddressAsync
Associates a floating IP address to the server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodAttachVolume
Attaches a volume to a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCancelResizeServer
Cancels and reverts a pending resize action for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodConfirmResizeServer
Confirms a pending resize action for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateImageMetadata
Creates or replaces metadata for an image.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateKeyPair
Creates a new key pair.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateSecurityGroup
Creates a security group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateServer
Creates a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateServerGroup
Creates a server group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateServerMetadata
Creates or replaces a metadata item, by key, for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodCreateVolume
Creates a volume.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteImage
Deletes an image.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteImageMetadata
Deletes a metadata item, by key, for an image.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteKeyPair
Deletes a keypair.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteSecurityGroup
Deletes a security group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteServer
Deletes a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteServerGroup
Deletes a server group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteServerMetadata
Deletes a metadata item, by key, from a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteVolume
Deletes a volume.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteVolumeSnapshot
Deletes a volume snapshot.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDetachVolume
Detaches a volume from a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodDisassociateFloatingIPAsync
Disassociate a floating IP address from a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodEvacuateServerAsync
Evacuates a server from a failed host to a new one.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetConsoleOutput
Shows console output for a server instance.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetCurrentQuotasAsync
Get current quotas for an account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetDefaultQuotasAsync
Gets the default quotas for an account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetFlavor
Shows details for a flavor.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetImage
Shows details for an image.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetImageMetadata
Shows details for an image.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetImageMetadataItem
Shows details for a metadata item, by key, for an image.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetKeyPair
Shows details for a keypair that is associated with the account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetLimits
Shows rate and absolute limits for the account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetRdpConsole
Gets an RDP console for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetSecurityGroup
Shows details for a security group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetSerialConsole
Gets a SPICE console for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServer
Shows details for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServerAction
Lists the actions which have been applied to a sever.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServerAddress
Shows IP addresses details for a network label of a server instance.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServerGroup
Shows details for a server group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServerMetadata
Shows details for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServerMetadataItem
Shows details for a metadata item, by key, for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetServerVolume
Shows details for a volume attachment.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetSpiceConsole
Gets a SPICE console for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetVncConsole
Gets a VNC console for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetVolume
Shows details for a volume.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodGetVolumeSnapshot
Shows details for a volume snapshot.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodImportKeyPair
Imports a key pair.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListFlavors
Lists available flavors.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListFlavorSummaries
Lists summary information for available flavors.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListImages
Lists available images.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListImageSummaries
Lists summary information for available images.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListKeyPairs
Lists keypairs that are associated with the account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListSecurityGroups
Lists security groups.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListServerActions
Lists the actions which have been applied to a sever.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListServerAddresses
Lists IP addresses that are assigned to a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListServerGroups
Lists all server groups for the account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListServers
Lists all servers with details.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListServerSummaries
Lists summary information for all servers.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListServerVolumes
Lists the volume attachments for a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListVolumes
Lists the volumes associated with the account.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodListVolumeSnapshots
Lists volume snapshots.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodRebootServer
Reboots a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodRescueServer
Puts a server in rescue mode and changes its status to RESCUE.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodResizeServer
Resizes a server.

Depending on the cloud configuration, ConfirmResizeServerAsync(String, CancellationToken) may need to be called to complete the resize operation.

(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodSnapshotServer
Creates a snapshot image from a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodSnapshotVolume
Snapshots a volume.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodStartServer
Starts a stopped server and changes its status to ACTIVE.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodStopServer
Stops a running server and changes its status to SHUTOFF.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodUnrescueServer
Unrescues a server. Changes status to ACTIVE.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodUpdateImageMetadata
Creates or replaces one or more metadata items for an image.

Omitted keys are not removed unless overwrite is true.

(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodUpdateSecurityGroup
Updates a security group.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodUpdateServer
Updates the editable attributes of a server.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodUpdateServerMetadata
Creates or replaces one or more metadata items for a server.

Omitted keys are not removed unless overwrite is true.

(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForImageStatus
Waits for an image to reach the specified state.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForServerStatus(Identifier, ServerStatus, NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, IProgressBoolean)Overloaded.
Waits for the server to reach the specified status.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForServerStatus(Identifier, IEnumerableServerStatus, NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, IProgressBoolean)Overloaded.
Waits for the server to reach the specified status.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodWaitUntilImageIsDeleted
Waits for the image to be deleted.
(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Public Extension MethodWaitUntilServerIsDeleted
Waits for the server to be deleted.

Treats a 404 NotFound exception as confirmation that it is deleted.

(Defined by ComputeServiceExtensions_v2_1.)
Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5

Supported in: 1.6
See Also